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    Global Supply Chain Network

    Leverage Redgraphs' supply chain insights to navigate through intricate networks of customer and supplier interactions, empowering your investment strategies with data-driven decisions.

    Supply Chain Network

    Discover the ultimate network of economic connections among companies, unparalleled in today's market.

    Using advanced AI and natural language processing, we gather data on a vast scale

    Leveraging both cutting-edge technology and meticulous manual techniques, we swiftly and accurately extract data from a wide array of sources to construct a dynamic, point-in-time network.

    Our exclusive, patented techniques ingeniously fill dataset gaps

    This network is then enhanced with our proprietary estimation method, designed to attribute economic values to otherwise unquantified relationships. The outcome? A richly detailed economic network offering daily insights. This enables stakeholders to observe shifts in company scores and various factors, integrating this intelligence into models or investment strategies.

    Our dataset offers network metrics assessing global supply chain enterprises' reliability and market influence

    Our process doesn't stop there. By applying our calculated estimates, we pinpoint opportunities for enhancement, establishing a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement. As we integrate additional data sources where they're most critical, our network evolves, becoming ever more insightful and valuable.

    Network Facts

    Exploring relationships from every angle

    Data Coverage

    We track business relationships across major markets for public companies, subsidiaries, and private companies with public debt.


    • 550,000 +


    • 2,000,000 +


    • US and Canada
    • Latin America and the Caribbean
    • Africa / Middle East
    • Europe
    • Asia and Pacific

    Information Sources

    U.S. and Canadian Companies

    • Securities and Exchange Commission Filings (SEC Filings)
    • System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval Filings (SEDAR Filings)
    • News
    • Company websites

    Rest of the World

    • Prospectuses and Offer Circulars
    • Material Change Reports
    • Company Announcements
    • Regular updates for Public Offerings and Shelf Registrations.
    • Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) via ASX and the Regulatory News Service (RNS) 

    How do you start? Easy.


    Get a data sample


    We’ve created data samples consisting of sections of our entire database in TSV format. If you are not sure whether Redgraphs is right for you, you can quickly see for yourself.


    Chat with us


    Once you see the value of Redgraphs, you can book a call to discuss your needs, how Redgraphs can meet them, and sign you up for a 30-day trial.


    Integrate your data


    With full access, you can download the latest data and receive automatic updates via Secure FTP. If you get stuck, our detailed guides will help you finish the job.

    Global Supply Chain Analytics

    By combining Redgraphs’ automated data feed and analytics technology we can deliver unprecedented insights that would have required an army of human analysts to decode and understand in the past.